East Carolina University
Music of the Modern and Postmodern Eras
Music and Protest
Early Music in the West: up to 1600
Music of the Romantic Era
Introduction to Research in Music
Music History and Literature III
Music History and Literature II
Music History and Literature I
Valparaiso University
Introduction to Music, online
Introduction to Electronic Music
Development of Western Music History
Scoring and Arranging
Musicianship IV
Musicianship III
Musicianship II
Musicianship I
Texas A&M University-Commerce
History of Rock and Roll, online
Music History I
Music Theory I
Music Theory II
Ear Training II
Ear Training IV
University of Florida
Analytical Techniques
Late 19- and 20th-Century Styles
Music Theory Review for Graduate Students
Vocal and Instrumental Arranging
Composition Skills IV
Composition Skills I
Music as a Social Experience
Music as a Social Experience, online
What is the Good Life?, hybrid
Beginning Intensive German II
East Carolina University
Music of the Modern and Postmodern Eras
Music and Protest
Early Music in the West: up to 1600
Music of the Romantic Era
Introduction to Research in Music
Music History and Literature III
Music History and Literature II
Music History and Literature I
Valparaiso University
Introduction to Music, online
Introduction to Electronic Music
Development of Western Music History
Scoring and Arranging
Musicianship IV
Musicianship III
Musicianship II
Musicianship I
Texas A&M University-Commerce
History of Rock and Roll, online
Music History I
Music Theory I
Music Theory II
Ear Training II
Ear Training IV
University of Florida
Analytical Techniques
Late 19- and 20th-Century Styles
Music Theory Review for Graduate Students
Vocal and Instrumental Arranging
Composition Skills IV
Composition Skills I
Music as a Social Experience
Music as a Social Experience, online
What is the Good Life?, hybrid
Beginning Intensive German II